
Back to the Drawing Board

All we wanted was a seasonal cottage

Excavation Blues

Longboard Extruded Aluminum Siding - Looks like Cedar

Larsen Truss Exterior Wall Assembly

Winnipeg Window Tour

Finding a Builder

Minnesota Solar Home Tour

Minimalist Trim and Drywall Edges

Choosing an ERV

A Solid Foundation

MN State Fair Eco Exhibit & Amaris Custom Homes

Lstiburek's Ideal Double Stud Wall

How much power are we using? - TX

How much power are we generating? - TX

What's the Payback?

Passive House Standards Changed

OSB versus plywood

Learning about Stormwater

The Energy Fair - Wall Assemblies

Energy Fair - Make your own Paint

Trees to Trim

RREAL solar discussion

Wagner Zaun meeting on 5/15/15

Solar Power - The Texas Experiment

Solar Power - pennies from heaven

Signs of Construction

The New American Dream: Living Well in Small Homes

Coffee Bar

Designed to control the Sun - Solar Calculators and Google Sketchup
