Choosing an ERV

Most passive houses are putting in Zender Air Exchangers - which are quite pricy and imported from Europe.

We are trying to use local products and support suppliers that are making products that meet our needs.   RenewAire in Wisconsin offers RenewAireEV90P - a specific unit designed for Passive House/LEED applications. 

Here's how we plan to set it up:

  • Mounted against ceiling of utility room for easy access
  • Standalone install will draw from baths and kitchen (3 vents), fresh air to living and bedrooms (3 vents).  
  • Ducts run in lowered ceiling/mechanical chase.
  • Fresh air vents should be placed so they don't blow air directly on room occupants (e.g. not over the bed)
  • Intake and exhaust runs go out garage/house wall then out through north garage wall for some tempering and to avoid the penetration directly from the highly insulated enclosure to the exterior.