Solar Power - pennies from heaven

We want to generate as much electricity as we use on a yearly basis.  With 'net metering', that's not to hard to do (with an efficient house).  Current plan is to re-build the roof of the 24x24 pole barn to hold an array of photovoltaic panels.  That shed currently has the roof peak running north/south.  We need it to run east/west so we can face the panels south.  That shed also has the longest daily exposure to the sun - least shaded area.

Angle of the sun
Winter:  Max Altitude is 44%
Summer:  Max Altitude is 87%
Why I you care? What angle should panels be mounted?

Current Usage
Use average of 500kwh  per month when home in MN
Cost about 11 cents per kwh in both TX and MN locations

System Sizing
MN:  500kwh/month, 100% power, 4.2 hours = 5158 watt system

Solar pod (
1 pod = 4 panels = 14 feet by 6 feet.   Would need 5 pods

PVWatts calculator does an estimate on how much power you can expect to generate for a given system size, location, tilt angle, etc.
You can find it here:
Here's the output for a 4kw system at our location: