The Importance of Site Selection

We want a site that has great southern exposure on a level lot on a decent lake.  It needs to have room for a small house and plenty of workshop/garage.  It needs to be on a paved road -- without a shared driveway.    It should allow the house to have a long east-west axis -- with most of the windows on the south side.  

Our current property has southern exposure on a great lake.  We built our house there in 2001.  It's now too large and we can't close it down for the winter.  We are tired of accessing our house through a shared dirt road -- bids were $40,000 to pave a private driveway.

In 2004 we bought a lot on Lake Ossie - 5 miles away from our current house.  It has a 60x40 pole barn, 24x26 garage, and a building site down near the lake.   We decided to sell the lot in 2014 because it has western exposure and limited southern exposure due to a large hill and neighboring house.  

We went searching for a different lot.  We didn't find anything.  The Ossie lot didn't sell.   

So, we've been thinking hard about how to make a passive solar house work on the lot that we already have.   
  • We can put the house at the bottom of the hill - as close to the lake as possible.
  • Keeping the house close to the north lot line allows for the most southern exposure.
  • We can route a driveway between the existing sheds.  It will hug the south slope of the hill - which also clears some of the trees blocking solar gain.
  • We can rotate/replace the roof on the 24x26 shed and put the solar panels on the south facing side of the roof.
Here's the survey map of the site: