We had finished the tiny house experiment and decided to move off the island. We looked at houses on the market and while the prices were affordable, most require significant kitchen and bathroom renovations. Nothing was efficient or well-built. We decided we should build and get what we want - a small house with a large garage and pottery studio. We wanted to be able to include solar power, southern exposure, and outdoor patio and garden space.
We researched building techniques and decided that ICF construction would be a great choice for both efficiency and hurricane protection. We started discussions with Jay Frieschlag, Gold Star Builders, in April of 2014.
We developed a floor plan and found a lot in Laguna Vista on Palm Blvd. When we visited for my sister's wedding in July, we toured projects Jay was working on. Jay explained how they were sealing the homes to manage air changes and working with Chris Carroll, energy auditor, to inspect the home for air leaks during the build process.
Here's the proposed floor plan: